When investment is mentioned, automatically finances, buying a house or a car comes to mind.
However, the biggest investment you will ever make is indeed yourself.
Physically, emotionally and psychologically we invest in services and health products.

Because we only have one life to live and we only get one chance at life.
The major problem is we invest too much in other peoples lives and not our own. We dont pay enough attention to our own needs and wants and invest too much in other people.
So what happens when we do this?
We burn out, we become emotionally unavailable. We turn to food that has little nutritional value and it affects our health.
If we invest too much in other people they start to expect you to continue putting yourself second and it can start to affect relationships.
We need to invest more in ourselves and less in other people, because the fact of the matter is: We cannot help others if we cannot help ourselves.

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