"Ill start my diet tomorrow" was a line i use to say to myself every week.
The weekend would come around, and i would say to myself "ill eat what i want this weekend and ill start the diet as of tomorrow. Tomorrow would come around, i would wake up motivated have a good breakfast and lunch then by the time i went to bed the new diet was broken. After i broke the diet i then said to myself "ill start again tomorrow".. the cycle continued.
This was me 12 months ago... how things have changed since then.
Breaking this cycle wasnt easy at first, and it was frustrating because i am a nutritionist and i knew what to do in order to be healthy and how to break the cycle. Learning it and experiencing it are two different things.
There were tricks that i used to help me break the cycle and to actually start the healthy eating:
- If i craved foods in between meals, id have some water instead: i found that i was dehydrated and was mistaking it for food cravings.
- Kept my mind busy: if i found i was craving food id do something else like go for a walk, or read a book
- i made my healthy eating plan interesting: i didnt go on a restrictive eating plan, i cooked foods that were satisfying, tasty as well as healthy which meant i stopped craving the foods i loved. I also didnt eat the same foods over and over which help a lot.
- I blogged about my weight loss: Blogging my experiences as a nutritionist wanting to lose weight really did keep me on the right track, if i cheated on my diet i would have had to blog it for the world to see (trust me it really did work)
Those tricks did help me a lot but there was one thing that really did make a difference:
I learned to love myself again
Stress due to personal reasons (which was ongoing from a couple of years before), had made me down and i stopped loving myself. I started to lose confidence in myself and turned to food for comfort. I was also focused on getting through my studies and with all that in mind my healthy eating took a back seat.
What brought me out of it is the love i had for nutrition and health. I wanted to be an example for my clients and show that everyone and anyone can overcome anything that comes their way. When something brings you down in that manor it is very easy to turn to food for comfort, but the problem at hand doesnt actually go away, food gives you an escape for a few minutes, then reality hits you and you turn to food again.
Getting support from loved ones, family and friends or even a health professional can assist you in overcoming the stress or problem at hand.
For me it was the support from two people who really helped me get back on my feet: my personal trainer and my mum. They gave me a gentle reminder that i was now a nutritionist and need to start setting that example for others as well as for my own health. I knew what to do in terms of food because its what i am trained to do, it was the emotional support that made a huge difference for me and for anyone who is going through similar situations.
When the day came that i was actually ready i said to myself "i am starting as of today" and i did.
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