We all have cravings from time to time. Cravings for chocolate, chips, pretzels can be hard to resist.
There are foods that you can eat when craving for foods that are healthier and will help you feel good after.

Cravings for sweets = Greek yoghurt with honey and fruit
Potato Chips = Nuts like almonds and cashews
Burger with the lot = home made burgers with wholemeal bun, caramelised onion, salad and low fat cheese
Milkshake = fruit smoothie with low fat milk
Take away pizza = home made wholemeal pizza (healthier and much more fun for the family)
Meat Pie = cottage pie with sweet potato (can also use purple sweet potato)
Chinese takeaway food = home made stir-fry with vegetables, meat, chicken or tofu with black rice

Caesar Salad = crunchy chicken salad with light dressing
Takeaway Thai food = Home made Thai beef salad
Milk Chocolate = Dark Chocolate
Hot Chocolate with marshmallows = Herbal Tea
Try these alternatives next time you have a craving, it will cure the craving and not affect your waste line.
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