So many women have said to me their men, for multiple reasons, dont and for quite a while. So how do you get them to realize the importance of introducing solid food? Starve them. Thats right give that man a bottle and only a bottle for a week. Then well see what he does the next time hes asked to feed your child.
No but honestly not every man will do that, but many dont see the importance. When given the choice of receiving a mouthful of food in their face; or the no fuss bottle? Well you see where this is heading. Of course hes going to choose the bottle. Its built into a mans thought process. Solve the problem with the quickest easiest solution. Babys hungry, must get food, bottles in the fridge, give bottle to baby. That simple. So what do you do?
Your husband will want whats best for your baby. As frustrating as it can be, be realistic that this may take several talks to drive the point home. Notice I said talks and not fights, screaming matches, etc. Men will just shut down if they think theyre in trouble. You know how to approach your man when you want something, so do it right. Next when you sit down to explain it to him make sure your child is there. This will drive the point home and you can show him what he needs to do. After all the time youve spent with your child you probably know the easiest and less messy way of doing it. You dont need to go into explaining the food groups and what your child needs. If its easier label their food for that specific meal and it may keep you more organized as well.
Above all things remember to be ready for a mess. Your child is messy and so is your husband. When you husband gets the knack for it; eating time will more than likely become play time as well. So ladies be prepared for it. If your husband is already taking an active interest, and your feeling bold, define the rules for the difference between play time and eating. Otherwise leave it be. Be understanding that your husband will always do things differently than you. Not only that he will help that child break all the rules. Why? Because the little child in him wants to. So save yourself the headache and relax. Keep your original complaint in mind and remember hes doing what you asked. No matter how messy it gets. If it really becomes a huge problem then sorry sweet heart: do it yourself.
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