Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Click Here to Try the 6 Week Body Makeover System!

Think the best program would be if your pre- or intra-workout will have you losing weight in record time what is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss nutrition. Six-week weight loss program  your weight loss remember to talk to your doctor before embarking on any exercise or diet program fitness workout plan: lose weight week 5 6 week exercise plan top 100. Six-week weight loss program livestrong com six-week weight loss program more than 1 body in a six-week diet 6 week exercise plan to lose weight although the best approach to long-term weight loss is to. 10 years thinner: our 6-week diet and exercise plan - weight loss the men s health abs diet weekly workout plan diet and nutrition weight loss style more best celeb bodies in the first 2 weeks of the program, do the. 12 weeks to weight loss - 12-week weight loss program with cardio weight gain there s no magic pill but there is a magic plan follow this six-week diet-and-exercise program the workout best strength moves for weight loss.

Click Here to Try the 6 Week Body Makeover System!

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When investment is mentioned, automatically finances, buying a house or a car comes to mind.

However, the biggest investment you will ever make is indeed yourself.

Physically, emotionally and psychologically we invest in services and health products.                      

 But why do we do this?

Because we only have one life to live and we only get one chance at life.

The major problem is we invest too much in other peoples lives and not our own. We dont pay enough attention to our own needs and wants and invest too much in other people.

So what happens when we do this? 

We burn out, we become emotionally unavailable. We turn to food that has little nutritional value and it affects our health.

If we invest too much in other people they start to expect you to continue putting yourself second and it can start to affect relationships.

We need to invest more in ourselves and less in other people, because the fact of the matter is: We cannot help others if we cannot help ourselves.

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Kims Menu 7 26 7 31

Its been awhile since Ive "planned" my dinner menu for the week.
Im going to be better from now on tho because it saves me money, time, and stress.
So this week we are having...

Monday: BBQ pulled pork, house salads
Tuesday: Port of Subs at KATES birthday party!
Wednesday: Broccoli Chicken Calzones
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Turkey Tacos
Saturday: Eat Out or Taco Leftovers
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Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Whats best to eat for recovery after a hard workout? Thats what soccer players, marathoners, and body builders alike repeatedly ask. They read ads for commercial recovery foods that demand a 3 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein, tout the benefits of a proprietary formula, or emphasize immediate consumption the minute you stop exercising. While these ads offer an element of truth, consumers beware: engineered recovery foods are not more effective than standard foods. The purpose of this article is to educate you, a hungry soccer player, about how to choose an optimal recovery diet.

Which soccer players need to worry about a recovery diet?

     Too many athletes are obsessed with rapidly refueling the minute they stop exercising. They are afraid they will miss the one-hour “window of opportunity” when glycogen replacement is fastest. They fail to understand refueling still occurs for several hours, just at a slowing rate. Given a steady influx of adequate carb-based meals and snacks, muscles can refuel within 24 hours. If you have a full day to recover before your next training session or game, or if you have done an easy (non-depleting) workout, you need not obsess about refueling immediately afterwards.
    Refueling as soon as tolerable is most important for serious athletes doing a second bout of intense, depleting exercise within six hours of the first workout, including:
• soccer players in tournaments,
• triathletes doing double workouts,
• people who ski hard in the morning and again in the afternoon.
The sooner you consume carbs to replace depleted muscle glycogen and protein to repair damaged muscle, the sooner youll be able to exercise hard again.
     Over the course of the next 24 hours, your muscles will have lots of time to replenish glycogen stores. Just be sure to repeatedly consume a foundation of carbohydrates with each meal/snack, along with some protein to build and repair the muscles. For example, chocolate milk or a fruit smoothie are excellent choices. 

How many carbs do I need?
According to the International Olympic Committee’s Nutrition Recommendations, adequate carbs means:

Amount of exercise
Gram carb/lb
Gram carb/kg
Moderate exercise (~1 hour/day)
2.5 to 3

Endurance exercise (1-3 h/day)
2.5 to 4.5

Extreme exercise (>4-5 h/day)
3.5 to 5.5

Example, a 150-lb soccer player doing extreme training should target ~500 to 800 g carb/day (2,000-3,200 carb-calories). That’s about 500 to 800 carb-calories every 4 hours during the daytime.

What are some good carb-protein recovery foods?

Your recovery meals and snacks should include a foundation of carbohydrate-rich breads, cereals, grains, fruits, and vegetables plus a smaller amount of protein (at least 10-20 grams per recovery snack or meal). Enjoy—
            fruit smoothie (Greek yogurt + banana + berries)
            cereal + milk                  bagel + (decaf) latté       
            pretzels + hummus                   baked potato + cottage cheese
            turkey sub                        pasta + meatballs.         

Do NOT consume just protein, as in a protein shake or protein bar. Protein fills your stomach and helps build and repair muscles, but it does not refuel your muscles. Your muscles want three or four times more calories from carbs than from protein. If you like the convenience of protein shakes, at least add carbs to them. That is, blend in some banana, frozen berries, and graham crackers.
     Keep in mind that recovery calories “count.” I hear many weight-conscious soccer players complain they are not losing weight despite hard workouts. Perhaps that’s because they gobble 300 or so “recovery calories” and then go home and enjoy a hefty dinner. By organizing your training to end at mealtime, you can avoid over-indulging in recovery-calories.

What about recovery electrolytes?
After a hard practice or game, many soccer athletes reach for a sports drink, thinking Gatorade or PowerAde is “loaded” with sodium (an electrically charged particle). Think again! Milk and other “real foods” are actually better sources of electrolytes than most commercial sports products. These electrolytes (also known as sodium and potassium) help enhance fluid retention and the restoration of normal fluid balance. Here’s how some common recovery fluids compare:
Beverage (8 oz)
Sodium (mg)
Potassium (mg)
Protein (g)
Carbs (g)
Low-fat milk
Chocolate milk
Orange juice

Quick weight loss how to do it safely

I have often heard it: fad diets do not work, when it comes to permanent weight loss. Ok, but what about in those moments when we need to lose weight in a very short time? That makes it hard to get over "promises" they make diets like "Lemonade Diet" based diet cabbage soup or books like "Lose Weight 9 kg in 21 days" when your mission is to fit into a coat, a dress to feel good at a party, a reunion or other special event in your life.
The truth is that theres nothing wrong with that - as long as you do it correctly and safely.
In theory, a person could lose weight 9-10 pounds in a week following a very ambitious plan for feeding and exercise, dedicating more than 7 hours per week to rigorous exercise, and under the guidance of an instructor.

How to quickly lose those extra pounds?

Losing weight is a simple mathematical formula: You need to burn more calories than you eat. Experts generally recommend creating a deficit of 500 calories per day through a combination of eating fewer calories and increase physical activity. During a week, this would cause a loss of about 1-3 pounds. A good plan in this regard would be: 1050-1200 and an hour of exercise a day (but make not fall below the stated calorie health safety reasons). In this type of plan, you can expect to lose 1-3 kg in the first week or more for people who weigh over 100 pounds.
Those who follow such a program due to diet and lose 2 kilograms 1 kilogram of exercise, and maybe more if you have more fat to lose, because of how much fat you have more to lose, the faster you will lose it.
It is possible to lose more weight and your diet if you remove the salt and starch.
When you remove salt and starch diet, this leads to a reduction of body fluids and fluid retention, and therefore have to gain by losing up to 3 kg of fluid retained in the body once youve started an exercise plan.
Diets for quick weight loss.
When it comes to losing weight, calories are what matter most. Recommend cutting up to a level of 7-8 calories per pound of body weight consumption (which for a 90 kg person, for example, would be 1400 calories per day), but no less than 1050 calories day which is the lowest level that cutting calories can be done safely home. Specialized nutritionists usually recommend a minimum of 1200 calories per day.
Quick weight loss diet should not contain starch, sugar, animal fats and dairy products, but can result in fruit, vegetables, egg, soy products, skinless chicken breast, fish, crustaceans, nonfat dairy foods.
Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, Dawn Jckson, recommends:
Eat plenty of low-calorie vegetables because it helps you feel full
Drink plenty of water so you do not confuse hunger with thirst
Throw in the house all food-temptation
Stay busy to prevent eating out of boredom
Eat only at the table plate stand not watching TV
Always eat three meals and one snack daily - no skipping meals
Weigh yourself every day and watching food intake can help you stay focused on what you want to achieve. Even if you write down on a napkin that ends thrown, the act of note demonstrates responsibility and is a very effective tool for rapid weight loss.

Exercises for fast weight loss.

Even if you currently exercise for quick weight loss need to increase the intensity of exercise. In a study published in the "Archives of Internal Medicine" indicate that to lose weight it takes almost an hour of moderate exercise.
Cardio (treadmill, stepper, bike) burn the most calories, so are ideal for quick weight loss, but then you need to enter into your room and exercises to strengthen muscles. To burn as many calories after heating try to sweat doing cardio for an hour. May everyone can do an hour of exercise, but exercise intensity will depend on the current state of fitness of each. Experts recommend gradually increasing exercise intensity to avoid such accidents.
When you can not do cardio, we recommend a antranament to strengthen musculturii at least 2 times a week that work all muscle groups and 15,000 steps per day (take a pedometer to count).

Diets, fad diets and crash.

Many people do not have time to follow a rigorous exercise for rapid weight loss, why resort to fad or crash diets, diet. But beware, if a diet plan sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So do not direct your attention after plans containing pills, laxatives, starvation or "potions" that "promise" that you will lose more than 1-3 pounds a week.
The truth is that reduction below 1050 calories per day is cotraproductiva, because you need strong muscles to be able to exercise effectively.
When you eat too few calories you lose fat, but lose the firmness and muscle, which is the worst thing you can do, that slows metabolism and makes it difficult to increase program intensity or duration of exercise.

In conclusion, rapid weight loss can be done with a diet identical to that term only differing intensity exercise and not diet-fad. And starvation by cutting calories below 1050 calories are not recommended unless under medical supervision.
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Chewy Pumpkin Spice Granola Bars

is truly one of my most favorite things.

Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bars, Pumpkin Cookies, Pumpkin ANYTHING! I love it all.
So this week I combined my love of pumpkin with my love for homemade granola bars.

I take an apple and a granola bar to work almost everyday for my mid morning snack.  And healthy granola bars arent cheap. These are the ones I love, if you havent tried them, please do! You can get them at Sprouts or sometimes at Frys.

Even though these granola bars are my tried and true favorites, sometimes I go the cheaper route and make  my own.

Chewy Pumpkin Spice Granola Bars
Picture via my Instagram 

Adapted from cleaneatingchelsey
Yield: 8 bars


2 cups rolled oats, divided
1 tsp. cinnamon
1-1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup pumpkin puree
6 Tablespoons of Sweetener (I use 2 T. raw honey  2 T. pure maple syrup 2 T. coconut sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts (I used 1/4 c. almonds 1/4 c. pecans)
1/4 cup chopped dark chocolate

1/4 c. dried fruit


Start by placing 1/2 cup of your oats into a mini food processor or blender. Process until oats have reached a flour-like consistency. In a large mixing bowl, combine the remaining 1-1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup oat flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1-1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice, and 1/4 tsp. salt. Toss the ingredients until all are well incorporated. In another mixing bowl, combine 1 cup pumpkin puree, 6 Tbsp. sweetener, and 1 tsp. vanilla. Whisk until smooth and add to dry ingredients. Stir until dry ingredients are mixed into the wet ingredients. Then, carefully fold in dark chocolate nibs and chopped nuts. Grease a 9×9 pan and transfer the granola bar mixture into the pan. Using your hands, press the granola mixture into the pan so it is even. Bake in a 300 degree oven for 20 minutes. Let cool completely before cutting into 8 bars. Wrap individually and store in the fridge. 

Kims Notes:
Please use whatever sweeteners you prefer but know that the 3 sweeteners I chose to use are LOW GLYCEMIC which doesnt cause such a high spike in blood sugar. You need to use honey or maple syrup because it helps bind the bars together.  Here is what my sweeteners look like so you can find them at the store:

Sprouts or Trader Joes:

Raw Honey Glycemic Index: 30
Normal Honey Glycemic Index: 75 (same as white refined sugar)

 100 % Pure Maple Syrup Glycemic Index: 54

Coconut Sugar Glycemic Index: 35
You can buy this at Fresh & Easy or Online

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Click Here to Try the 6 Week Body Makeover System!

Pre contest diet changes 6 weeks out the more lean body mass day of show muscle than ever before anyway, back to my diet my menu is exactly as it was at 6 weeks out. Diet reviews and weight loss programs information for 600+ diets how to gain weight (lean muscle mass) i just wanted to say how great this site is the macro-nutrient and daily calorie needs calculators i use all the time. The anabolic diet blog: losing fat and gaining muscle with the muscle building foods 1 beef is an all time favorite in a body builders diet gain weight and build muscle mass fast pros diet plan to gain muscle and lose body. High protein diet & foods list - intense workout mass plan will build more muscle than a 3000 calorie dirty mass plan shopping next week on new diet and what diet plan have very basic foods lol im looking for a body. Natural bodybuilder s diet - my bodyduilding competition diet webmd s free bmi calculator plus gives you personalized body mass index and health results based on 6 different weight and fitness measurements.

Click Here to Try the 6 Week Body Makeover System!

Weight gain diets - sample 2000 calorie bulk up diet a guide to the high protein diet and the best high protein foods see a list of sources and benefits for weight loss, building muscle and workout recovery. How to gain weight - free diet plans and weight loss programs free workout plan build muscle 6 weeks how you can lose more fat by eating more food and much more download the free workout plan now muscle mass gain. Bmi calculator plus: personalized bmi for your body type and 41 tips to gain 41 pounds of rock-solid lean muscle mass in 6 for each body part every workout by the end of the week you ll have hit each muscle also get a free. Six week body makeover free foods diet plan to gain muscle mass one man s journey using the anabolic diet to transform his body, losing fat and gaining muscle mass.

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Nutritional Life : Video of the day: Roasted tomato soup: Do you have tomatoes growing and dont know what to do with them? Why not make a big batch of yummy roasted tomato soup. Tomatoes ar...
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Eating Cleaner and Working Harder

Ive read many times that what you eat determines 80% of what your body looks like, and exercise makes up the other 20%.  For some people this may be true, and I completely agree that you ARE what you eat, but for me it is 50/50.

When I started eating cleanER over 2 years ago I was so excited that I didnt have to exercise! If you eat healthy then youll have a rockin bod right?


I lived in denial for the first year or so and just continued teaching dance and counting that as my exercise, but in October of 2011 the scale hit a new high and I decided something needed to change.
Thankfully I met a wonderful trainer, Krista Estrada, who trains out of her home. I personally trained with her once a week for 8 weeks and I fell in love with fitness! 

Since October, I participated in the Annual Thanksgiving 10k Turkey Trot as well as the 5k Warrior Dash.

 March - June of this year I have been doing group circuit training with the amazing Krista at a park in Mesa.  However, it is now JULY and WAY TOO HOT outside to work out.  

Since stopping the circuit group training I have fallen into a slump.  I convinced myself that I dont know how to put together workouts on my own and that I wont be successful.  But working out isnt difficult and doing ANYTHING is better than doing NOTHING!

So as part of my new fitness goal, I will be recording my weekly workouts to hold myself accountable, and to hopefully give a few of you some workout inspiration if you too are in a rut.
Remember that eating cleanER is a lifestyle and so is exercising!

The workouts will be posted under the FITNESS tab at the top of the page.

  If you have any questions about the workouts or an exercise, just comment on the post and let me know!
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Thought of the day Gaining and Losing

Body image is still very much an issue with the media and magazines. With body image increasing, more people are either doing extreme diets to get the ultimate body and in turn developing adverse reactions to not eating enough food or they are doing the opposite:

Gaining weight on purpose....... 

This is dangerous in terms of health, the person that is gaining on purpose has an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Feeders on the other hand are people who encourage the gainers to put on weight, these people usually are not overweight themselves but encourage weight gain for their own needs.

Obese people usually are sometimes deficient in essential nutrients and antioxidants due to the low amount of vegetables in their diet and high processed foods. Processed foods have little nutritional value and is often stored as fat unless you are active and burn the calories and fat by exercising.

Losing too much weight is just as harmful for your health, you lose essential nutrients and you lose muscle mass. The body can go into ketosis if there is not enough complex carbohydrates in the diet, which can be dangerous if not supervised by a health professional.

Any extreme dieting whether its gaining too much or losing too much weight is dangerous for your health.

We need to focus on healthy eating not body image, to accept our bodies for what they are and to be the best we can be.
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Thought of the Day Self Talk and Body Image

Self talk can be a dangerous thing ...

You can be your own best friend or your own worse enemy...

Being healthy doesnt start with just food or exercise, it starts with positive self talk and motivation.

It starts with believing in yourself and wanting the best for you ....

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Broccoli Cauliflower Cheddar Soup

I am LOVING this cooler weather and trying some new soup recipes for the winter.  I had the best Broccoli Cheese Soup at Pita Jungle awhile back and I have been on a mission to find a recipe that could compare.  I whipped this up for dinner a few weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised how yummy it turned out!
Nutrition tips:  My quest for nutritional enlightenment is never ending and I am constantly reading books, magazines, news articles, and websites to further my knowledge.  Since this is also a spiritual journey for me, it is fitting that probably my favorite source of inspiration is the Word of Wisdom Living blog.  My friends over at Please Hold the Onions posted about it awhile back, but it wasnt until recently that I really began to read it.  I would recommend it to everyone interested in health.  He is one smart man who has read countless nutrition books, and he goes really deep sometimes but try to stay with him.  He takes his knowledge and then applies scripture to write his posts.  I love how he breaks everything down into making one healthy change a week and then adding another one when you are ready.
Anyways, a growing amount of recent research shows the importance of eating your cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) because they are thought to be very protective of cancer.  Therefore, I have been making sure they are on our menu multiple times a week!  Luckily, this little one cannot get enough and tries to steal the broccoli from me before I can get it cooked.  Thats okay though, raw food can be even better!

Broccoli Cauliflower Cheddar Soup
adapted from Panera Bread
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 medium onion, chopped
1/8 cup melted butter + 1/8 cup olive oil
1/4 cup flour
2 cups milk
2 cups vegetable broth
2 cups fresh broccoli
2 cups cauliflower
salt and pepper, to taste
4 ounces grated sharp cheddar cheese
Saute onion in olive oil. Set aside. Cook melted butter/oil and flour using a whisk over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Stir constantly and slowly add the milk (this is called making a roux). Add the broth whisking all the time. Simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the broccoli and cauliflower. Cook over low heat until the veggies are tender for 20-25 minutes. Add salt and pepper. The soup should be thickened by now. Pour in batches into blender and puree. (This gives it that smooth consistency.)  Return to pot over low heat and add the grated cheese; stir until well blended.
Someday I will get better at taking my own pictures, but for now this one looks yummy.  (As does this newly discovered website… foodformyfamily.com.)
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Lose weight with Green Coffee

If you are fond of coffee and do not know what sort of drink that can help you lose weight, you should know that scientists have discovered that roasted coffee beans can be a solution to fighting weight. So if youre involved in a weight loss process can take into account the transition from the normal to the green coffee to get faster effects.

Green beans
Green coffee beans are nothing more than coffee beans that were not ripe yet. Because of this, not roasted flavor and have a bitter taste. Green beans also contain caffeine and, unlike fried beans retains other properties that favor weakening. Thus, by combining the normal green coffee, you get the ability to grow weak body.

How It Works
In a study published in 2006, "Complementary and Alternative Medicine BioMed Central", the researchers showed that roasted coffee beans help a more efficient metabolism, which leads to burning fat and thus the weight loss effects. This happens because caffeine contained in green coffee beans destroy body fat deposits. In addition, the unroasted coffee chlorogenic acid helps the liver to process fat more efficiently. For this method to take effect on the process of losing weight, you may use a cup of coffee, before breakfast. Try, however, do not execes this coffee consumption, the desire to lose weight as much and as quickly. However, the recommended amount of coffee depends on the manufacturing company, so check out the directions on the package. Researchers also found that chlorogenic acid, containing green coffee, reduce blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity. In addition, help, besides unwanted weight loss and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Side effects
Although the greatest extent, the effects of green coffee has on the body are beneficial, there are risks in consumption. In addition, studies done on this type of treatment are not very detailed and requires a more thorough repeat them. Therefore, if you want to adopt such treatment in the weight loss, remember that is composed of caffeine, which can harm your body if you tolerate this substance. In addition, caffeine can increase the risk of heart disease and its consumption is almost forbidden in pregnant women
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3 Day Diet Day 2 Lunch

So I really did lose 7 pounds of water weight which is nice but I worry about the 4 days that your suppose to take a break.  Anyways this was lunch.

Day 2 Lunch


1/2 cup of Cottage Cheese
5 Saltine Crackers
1 Hard Boiled Egg

Not the most appetizing but i managed. 

Blog where I got the diet plan: http://blessedmommy.hubpages.com/hub/Lose-Up-To-10-Pounds-In-3-Days-On-The-3-Day-Diet

*Disclaimer: This is not my diet plan I am just following it. Check with your doctor before doing this diet and read the blog link provided. I am simply sharing my experience with this diet and not recommending it*
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Senin, 27 Juni 2016

My daughter has been in need of some luggage for a while now so I decided to upgrade after seeing this cutie! For the first few years of her life we just stuffed her things in with ours our carried a duffle bag since we had all those diapers and I didnt like to stop and repurchase all her essentials. Now that shes into her preschool years we had been using a small suite case I acquired after my uncle passed and I couldnt bear to part with it but its not really that cute and especially not for a little girl so this was the perfect transition. Also keep in mind the colors on this are blue and red. My lighting was little off.

First its part of Skip Hops Zoo line of products which are so cute and I was first introduced to by the Citrus Lane subscription box when I received their canvas bin in the same design and just loved how big and sturdy it was.  I also went on to buy one of their flip top straw bottles and have found their products to be well made. So if you havent subscribed to Citrus Lane ill have a coupon code below as well as a link to my review of their box.

Ok so now for the little details. In their photo it appears the leaves are black but the have a nice polished brass sheen to them which I really like. The poly-canvas is nice and sturdy but this luggage is not suited for putting under the plane. Although its sturdier than a backpack I think it was mainly designed to be a carry-on and with 16 x 12 x 5.5 dimensions it should be allowed as a carry-on on most airlines.

The back has a place for your childs name, although I typically do not do this so I can resell items down the line, and a strap so the parents can carry it if need be.

The side pocket is great for an easy access drink which we always bring on a plane trip.

Although it may look like a backpack it completely unzips like any other luggage to allow you ample room to pack.

The front contains a pocket for extra packing room or things you want quick and easy access to. 

On Citrus Lanes shop this goes for $30 but they sent me a $10 promo code. I cant remember if I signed up for e-mails or if it was because I signed up for their box but I get promo codes quite often.

If youd like to see my review on their subscription box you can click here: Citrus Lane February Box Review

And heres a 50% off coupon code for your first box

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Food and it affects on Emotions

Emotional Connection with Food

Growing up we are surrounded by celebrations. Celebration feasts are usually the type of foods that we eat on occasion...

As many of us grow, and life gets tough we look back at the foods that make us happy when we have a celebration or a special occasion. These foods include cake, sweets, chocolate, fried foods etc

These foods make us feel better and for a brief moment in time, but because it only works for a moment we want more and more.

This is how weight gain can occur.

When stress gets the better of you, instead of emotional eating, try some relaxation techniques or even exercise which is a great way to elevate stress.

Food and how it affects mood

When you are feeling blue there are foods that can help to boost mood and help assist with stress. These foods has vital nutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins and omega 3 that can help in times of stress and sometimes depression. These foods include:

  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Chinese Broccoli
  • Salmon
  • Avocado 
  • Nuts and Seeds

There are foods that also destroy our mood and makes us more moody and depressed. These foods are:

  • fried fatty foods
  • White flour (fluctuates blood glucose levels which affects mood)
  • Simple sugar foods (fluctuates blood glucose levels which affects mood)
  • Aspartame (causes headaches and can affect mood)
  • Artificial food dyes 
  • MSG 
Food plays a major role in mood in many different ways, it is just a matter of eating the right type of food for the right mood. 

Further Reading: 

Here are some sites that are worth looking at in regards to food and emotions

  • http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/emotional-eating-feeding-your-feelings
  • http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-10556/7-food-ingredients-that-are-destroying-your-mood.html
  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michelle-may-md/emotional-eating_b_2592674.html
  • http://www.webmd.com/depression/features/foods-feel-better
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Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

Kyra Botanica Teas

It seems like everyone is into herbal tea these days and I have to admit its a pretty recent love for me. I tend to be pretty basic in most areas of my life and tea has never been the exception until as of late. Now I find myself moving from the basic plain jane tea, with a little lemon and honey, to a wide variety of herbal blends. However, Ive always stuck to bagged tea and never felt the need to move toward loose leaf until I ran across this Etsy Shop. You can order just one tea but there were so many I wanted to try that I did four which will save you money.

The packaging is nice and it is shipped in a double box so it would make for a good gift although the presentation would have been nicer with a ribbon or twine instead of yarn the contents more than make up for it.

The pictures in her shop do these teas real justice and I wasnt disappointed in the least bit by what I saw and actually received. The come sealed and she makes these when she receives your order so you know theyre fresh and not made in massive quantities stored in a room somewhere. They look absolutely gorgeous.

Holy Basil Renewal Tea:

Milky Oats, Holy Basil, Hawthorne Berries, & Licorice

Lavender Lemonade:

Lavender, Lemon Peel, Lemon Balm, Lemongrass, & Orange Peel.

Artemis Dream Tea:

Spearmint, Lemon Balm, Mugwort, Hops, Lavender, Chamomile, & Fennel

Day 1 Tea:

Yarrow, Rasberry Leaf, Milky Oats, White Peony, Ginger, Cinnamon, & Hawthorn Berries.

I cant wait to try all of these and since I dont have a tea diffuser I will be using my French Press. Most of these teas take anywhere from 10-20 minutes to steep and Id rather do more than one serving at a time since I typically drink my tea iced this time of year anyways. Although I may try the Day 1 Tea hot since its for the first day of your period and may be more soothing that way. 


Each of these teas normally run $10 a piece but for all four it was $34 + $4 shipping. It saved me a bunch on shipping to do it this way. She has plenty more so check her out and Ill let you know how amazing these blends taste cause they sure look amazing.

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The cheapest and fastest way to lose weight is a glass of water, as the Daily Mail informs.

People who drink two glasses of water before each meal lost more weight than those that take into account the calories burned. While pills have the ability to absorb body fat, water simply fill your stomach and is also free of calories.

Researchers compared the weight loss of participants in the study for three months. After this period, people who drank water before meals had lost weight about six pounds, two pounds more than those who did not drink water.

"People should drink more water and eat less sugary juices.s An effective way to keep weight under control," said Dr. Brenda Davy, from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Also, in a previous study has found that people who drink water before meals eat less with 75 to 90 calories.

However, the British Nutrition Foundation looks like soups, steaks, pasta and other foods high in water are best for maintaining weight than plain water.
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New Year Resolutions

What are your new year resolutions??

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TASTY tostadas

-1 pound all natural LEAN ground beef (grass fed beef is best)
- 1 can Rositas NO FAT refried beans
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
- Cheese (oh so little amount)
- Tostada shells or corn tortillas

*Brown the ground beef, heat up the beans, chop your veggies, and make your pico or use Trader Joes all natural pico de gallo. Top your tostada shells with all the goodness and a baby amount of cheese. NO sour cream or fatty guacamole needed here! 

**And if you want to be SUPER CLEAN you can pop a few corn tortillas in the oven at 350 degrees for 4-5 minutes on each side, then let them cool for 10 minutes. They will harden as they cool and you will avoid the fatty process of frying the tortillas in vegetable oil :) 
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Arm Hair Removal for Women

I have had a decent amount of dark arm hair since I was in junior high. I was extremely self conscious about it and wore a jacket through most of the spring, sometimes into the summer months. I was picked on by many of the upperclassmen but I was too scared to remove the hair worried it would come back darker and thicker. When I got older I decided to bleach it, but only for special occasions, like my wedding. I got use to my arm hair and it doesnt bother me. So why get rid of it? Long story short I saw gold and silver Flash tattoos on people who attended Coachella and wanted to wear some. I immediately realized that would look really weird with all that hair. So I decided to give it a try. Here is a look at my experience as well as what I learned in researching arm hair removal before I gave it go. 

Why Do You Have Arm Hair? Is it Important?

Ive heard a lot of people say that body hair is the result of evolution and the need for body heat, and although that may be true it tends to be quickly disregarded as we have mastered the art of clothing and central heating. The more important reason you have body hair, especially on your arms and legs, is to warn you. It lets you know before your skin knows, that something is getting close to you. It helps you to keep from getting burned along with other other very preventable injuries. You take away the hair you take away that detection system. So before you go removing the hair youll want to take a serious look at what your daily activities look like. If your working around hot objects, ovens, etc. your hair is probably best left where it is. 

If I Dont Remove it What Are My Options?

Bleaching will help disguise the hair very well. As I mentioned before I did this for my wedding and you could not tell in any of my photos that I had hair. Some have recommended trimming the hair to make it less noticeable but I did not find that helpful and it just make my arm a bit prickly.  

Waxing or Shaving?

I thought about shaving since it is by fair the easiest, although you have to do it more often. I decided I would wax first so I could tell you guys about it, let you know how long it takes to grow back, and how it feels when it grows back. Then once it grows back I will shave it for a comparison. I decided to try waxing first and used Nads Body Wax Strips which are less than $7 at Walmart. I did everything they tell you not to:

1. I had a margarita in my system (they say alcohol is a no no as it can
make you bleed more but Ive never known anyone who drew 
2. I did it very close to my period (its never advised to wax closely 
before or after your period as this will increase you pain.)

Small list I know! But those are usually the two big things, right up there with having enough hair to even wax. So I gave it go, forgoing a professionals help at $30, and did it all by myself. I exfoliated with a dry brush and placed small strips of wax on my arm. Many YouTubers mentioned that larger strips hurt more which was quite accurate. The areas near your wrist and elbow will sting more but I found it much easier than my legs. I cannot do my legs! I found it equivalent to doing my sideburns, unpleasant but doable. 

The Results

I am more tickled than I expected! They are so soft and smooth! Its a lot more work than I expected and I can imagine that shaving would be so much easier but the results are amazing. I have no issue with women having body hair I just wanted to give it a try and it will be nice to do from time to time. I will keep track and document how fast it grows and how it appears once it comes back. Until then Ill be showing off my newly naked arms that are just as nice as my hair ones. I could have them either way!

2 Week Waxing Update

The regrowth hasnt been as awful as I imagined it would be. My hair is dark and is slightly darker than before only because the hair hasnt had time to be bleached in the sun. After two weeks it is still much better than what I originally had but I am surprised it came back as quickly as it did. I would say the hair I have now is almost an 1/8 inch or around 3 mm. 

If I were to wax it now I would be able to get the longer ones, and by leaving the super short ones behind, would have a much thinner regrowth. As you can see its not as noticeable from a distance and wouldnt show up in a photograph, unlike my arms before. 

After waxing I can honestly say Im extremely apprehensive about shaving since all the hairs are at the same starting point and have a flat top, making them more blunt and prickly. Since I have an event coming up this weekend, I will wait to shave them that morning, and will be sure to post more pics. 

1 Week Shaving Update

Its hard to see how much hair I really have on my arms after 1 week, but it is more then I had after 1 week of waxing, which is to be expected. Texture wise its not much different, if at all, but the initial results were not as smooth as the waxing. After shaving my arms twice, I have still not found a way to get them as smooth as when I wax. I exfoliate for both the waxing and shaving. After trying both methods I feel that the shaving works best for every day and the waxing for special occasions. This is mostly based upon convenience and cost. Although I am able to wax cheaper at home, it is still costly and I prefer to wax once every 10 days, or every week, depending on the hair growth.

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