Unconventional diets gaining popularity among those seeking solutions faster and more effective to lose excess pounds that have become a real health problem of our century. Diets "liquid" are the latest solutions that promise quick weight loss and diet water is the most famous of them, but also the cheapest and easiest to do.
Diet secret that water is simply curb appetite, ie eat less if you moisturize often. No calculations about calories and no glycemic index allowed only a few simple rules and easy to meet. And if we add a water-based diet reduces cellulite, constipation and prevents skin aging due to sudden weight loss, I believe I already convinced.
How does water diet recipe
High water consumption reduces appetite, but also leave no fat to store and can even reduce the layers so unsightly fat. The body retains water when not getting enough and stored outside the cells, but if you drink more water, the body eliminate toxins, blood circulation is improved and thus cells are hydrated and working properly.
Besides all that water is the liquid of life without which you can not live, and our body is dependent on water and not just to quench thirst, but also because it has an essential role in our metabolism "wash" the kidneys, helps dissolve minerals and their distribution in the body, and regulates body temperature lubricant.
How much water should you eat
Diet, water is available in several versions, but none requires enormous amounts of liquid in a small time interval, which is more than damaging our health, but all based on a few tricks that make water Our reliable ally.
The easiest diet recommends eating eight glasses of water to 200 ml of water per day, but on the first day drink only one glass, gradually increasing number of glasses, and after the eighth day their number decreases until it reaches a glass per day. Attention, water should not be cold and drink slowly in small sips. If you are not satisfied with the results and want to resume the cycle, you must wait at least a month to begin a new water cure.
More popular hot water diet is just as easy as the first. Daily drink a cup of warm water right after you wake up for a week. In the second week another cup before breakfast and throughout the day, you need to drink a glass before and after eating. Also drink water in small sips slowly, and this steady diet of hot water should not exceed more than two weeks, after which can be resumed after six months.
Disadvantages of water diet
Nutritionists say that these recipes to lose weight, water is actually a myth, those few pounds are lost because the liquids in large quantities fool the body distinguish between hunger and thirst harder and thus eat less. Experts say that a quantity of 2 liters / day is sufficient and warn that the body does not need too much water at once attacked. Such a cure in which exaggerated water consumption and longer than necessary, can have adverse effects of the worst:
Request too large, the kidneys can lead to hyperhydration;
-Dilute salt content in the blood, which affects brain activity, heart and muscles;
-Can occur even opposite effect: water retention.
-The fact that hunger is low can lead to starvation unconscious.
Some tips
Before starting a diet with water, doctors recommend you analyze the advantages and disadvantages, and if you decide to lose weight using this method, keep in mind some recommendations:
1. Comply with the three main meals and two snacks absolutely necessary;
2. Even if you must to keep in mind that food consumed in the diet with water that does not mean you can eat anything;
3. Squeeze half a lemon in water, accelerates digestion;
4. Do not drink water with meals, it dilutes the gastric juices and digestion does not occur;
5. Replace the water with unsweetened teas cherry tails, silk corn or green tea;
6. Give all the sweet carbonated beverages, various juices and coffee. They contain calories, caffeine, and a lot of unhealthy substances.
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