Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

As we have mentioned in other articles and diet, it is important to rest and properly. A good sleep is closely related with people of any weight loss plan. In this article I will try to give you some tips for a good nights sleep.

- Do not watch television before bed. Like many people, you are probably used to the look at a movie or a show every night before bed. Paid little attention to this, and you will see how much you annoy sleep. Instead of watching TV, you can choose to read a book or magazine. This works wonders - especially fiction books that can help you forget about the days events.

- Do not drink caffeine late hours. Coffee or tea rich in caffeine consumption in the afternoon, can remain active in the body until after 22 pm. It is preferable that last caffeinated beverages to be consumed at lunch.

- Avoid eating sugar before bed. Although sugar consumption is prohibited during a weight loss diet, it is important to know that it affects your sleep. Its consumption before bedtime can make you wake up in the middle of the night when sleep is sweeter.

- No more thinking about work or other problems before bedtime. Nothing is worse than a mind stuck at work before bed. Calculations and working papers sleep before you can add bad dreams or nightmares. Finish everything you work at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Make any choices regarding sleep, think it may be the missing link in your health regime. Try to follow the advice above and go to bed no later than 22 hours. This is very useful when you want to lose weight quickly and you will maintain general good health.

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