Find exercising boring? Not enough hours in a day to do exercise?
Not everyone enjoys exercising, some may also find it painful due to health conditions such as arthritis.
Moving and doing activities can get your heart rate up and burning calories without actually running etc.
There are ways to get moving that is fun and doesnt actually feel like exercising ....
- Need milk and bread? Walk to your local bakery instead of driving to a supermarket
- Gardening: Great exercise without actually exercising
- Housework: put your favourite music on and get out that vacuum cleaner, this will get you moving and even burn a few calories.
- Sport: Getting involved in sport is a fantastic way to get moving and burning off those calories
- walking the dog: Do you have a pet that needs walking? why not take the dog out for a walk and you will get some exercise too
- Love Dancing? This is also considered exercise, get out your favourite CD and get moving
- Enjoy swimming? swimming is a great way of exercising without putting strain on your joints. Water aerobics is fun and a great way to get moving without feeling the pain
Moving more in the day can help to keep fit and burn off the excess calories....

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