Most people have a love for chocolate. Good quality dark chocolate in small amounts is actually found to be beneficial to your health. But this isnt the kind of chocolate that many people have. The highly processed, high sugar varieties isnt good for anyones health when consumed on a daily basis.
What would your goodbye letter to chocolate look like?
Here is the goodbye letter for chocolate...........
Dear Chocolate,
Since the day I could walk you have been constantly on my mind. You were something I wasnt allowed to eat at such a young age but I was curious. Once I was old enough to try chocolate for the first time I knew the love for chocolate would grow....
As the years went on, my love for you did grow. In my teenage years you were exciting to me. You come in all delicious flavours that I couldnt resist:
- Mint
- Caramel
- Dark Chocolate
- White Chocolate
- Milk chocolate
- Almond Chocolate

And the list goes on ....
I would hide you from my mum. I would order it at a canteen and tell her I ordered something else.
I would enjoy you every time I went to the movies, every time I studied in my room or watching TV.
As an adult the chocolate craving became strong. It became hard to resist you.
Unfortunately the love I had for you affected my health. I gained weight, you affected my allergies and found dealing with everyday issues and problems hard without you.
I started slowly cutting you out of my life and I found a huge difference in every aspect of my life, I even started to lose weight which gave me more confidence and I am now convinced that you are indeed bad for me.
There is nothing wrong with us meeting on occasion, because you (especially you, dark chocolate) have some health benefits. But seeing you everyday isnt good for me or anyone else.
We must say goodbye to meeting everyday.

I know its going to be hard but it is the best thing for the both of us.
Goodbye my old friend,
Until we meet again ......
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