Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

The Plant Based Lifestyle Challenge week 1

Disclaimer: The following is what I am eating and the exercise that I am doing. Everyone is different and if you want to follow a plant based diet, seek advice from a nutritionist or a health professional.

My Progress on Week 1: 

I have completed week one of the plant based lifestyle challenge.  I do have to admit I feel completely different on a plant based diet.

I have more energy on this diet and I feel more alert and able to concentrate more. The main thing that surprised me the most is that I dont feel hunger like I use to. As my diet is based around fruit, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds and starchy vegetables, I also eat quinoa, rice, and pasta.

I had to increase my volume of food that I eat. I am also not calorie counting and calorie restricting, I eat until I am satisfied.

I am eating regular meals throughout the day, I have increased my fruit and vegetable intake, I have decreased my fat intake, (i have no saturated fats and the only fat I have is the unsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, avocado and a small about of olive oil when needed), I have the same amount of protein and I have increased my carbohydrate intake. (I only have complex and whole food carbohydrates, I dont have processed foods or sweets)

I am still getting use to the new way of eating and I am currently getting recipe ideas and experimenting with food (which I am enjoying at the moment)

My water intake has also increased to 1. 5 - 2 liters per day instead of 1 liter per day. Thirst is no longer there.

Exercise has also changed, I have increased my exercise to 5 - 6 days per week.  I am aiming to do the following:

  • 2 x 1 hours sessions of yoga per week 
  • 2 x 40 minutes of Pilates per week plus exercise bike as a warm up 
  • 2 x 30 minutes of either walking or exercise bike 
  • 1 to 2 days rest 
This will vary week to week and sometimes I have 2 days rest instead of 1 but basically this is what I am aiming for. 

In terms of weight: I would like to lose around 3 to 3.5 kilos (gained weight over the Christmas - new year break). I havent lost any weight this week, however I have not gained either. 

The biggest thing I have learned is how I feel on a plant based diet.

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