I lost 42 pounds in five months. Do not think thats possible, but here it was. As we did, you will read in the following.Whenever I meet people who do not know them before, but I knew "on TV", the main topic of discussion inevitably reach my weight loss diet and the question "how did you do it?". Anything else does not seem to be important for my interviewees. And maybe theyre right. Maybe politics, and revelations, and scandals, and all the madness that surrounds us collateral topics from real concerns of many of us. After all, it is important to be healthy, the rest of the humans see how they go. Or, well, as someone said, "to have health especially lucky, as were healthy and that the Titanic".To begin, a few words about retaining the "weight" to discuss this issue. Neglect is due to problems with excessive weight and a certain type of mentality. Unfortunately, in Romania, being fat is more subject to ridicule, shame, the indication of an alleged lack of will, but a serious problem or faulty metabolic diseases with serious consequences of the body. There are studies, there are warnings about the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, etc.. for overweight people, but there is a functional institutional framework that would help those with such problems. There are initiatives, but insufficient to the extent scourge that has come to affect more than a quarter of the population, from children to older people (how many of them take old age ...).Without these institutions, there are a lot of recipes, coaches, counselors, some well-intentioned and well-informed, others are in business only even collect some cash from customers not lack. There are a lot of strong companies with miracle cures, herbal or on training with new kinds of devices fabricated with creams or special recipes. Im not saying it would not be useful. Anything is better than resignation and inexorable path to a premature extinction. Only about many of them are more likely to be successful only if those workouts are accompanied by a severe diet. In fact, the regime will matter more than the rest ... a kind of placebo.Your notes are not face a manual or a book of recipes, but contain all the information that I find useful for those who want to go through such an experience. In fact, all the information that I have been my useful. I have established a well defined structure exposure for months when I kept no cure guided not necessarily specific recipes, but were months of testing, searches for failures and recoveries, but with positive end. I think all this information will be useful to those who want to proceed to such a harrowing experience, but necessary, even vital. Rather those who want to lose massive: 30 or 40 pounds. Perhaps even more, though, which aims to cure the weakness of over 50 kilograms involved and more complicated problems. To some extent may be useful to those concerned with maintenance or weight loss cures few pounds they consider excessive, but they can find enough other less demanding recipes.First, though, I think that religion can be a moral support for those in a similar situation that I went through and want to get rid of many excess pounds, but did not know how to start, when to start and if everything is pointless torment.How we startedProblems with excess weight I had all the time, except during adolescence when I lifted and I put too many extra pounds. In 12th grade I was 82 pounds in the last year of college had reached 88. So much for that age and height of 1.78, but not disturbing. After 35 years, when my work had become more stressful but also more sedentary, we began to accumulate steadily. In 1994 had reached 104 kg, after which we had a one year scholarship in the United States, Stanford, California. We stayed in a host family doctors who took great care that breakfast and dinner to be "healthy". Eat lunch on campus, a salad or a hamburger. Every time I ate was hamburger or pizza, Dr. Creger was deeply disappointed and even scold me, trying to convince me not alimntez me with "junk fast food." "If you want a hamburger, you do it tomorrow." And he did. Grilled, seasoned with tomatoes, onions and lettuce taste very good, though without mayonnaise or ketchup - that no ingredients "deadly". At that time I did a lot of movement, because all the roads around campus or in their surroundings on foot or by bike. The first month I lost ten kilograms, then I kept on line, without making special efforts to keep without any diet. Just eat what they ate and how many hamburger get away from time to time. I returned home and resumed work stress and the pounds started to come together again.Over time, feeling like a weight reach unbearable, try different cures. Together with the late Anton Uncu, we held two weeks famous dissociated diet. And excruciating headaches, but I managed to get rid of seven pounds. I put it back in the coming weeks. Then I tried to move. For one week every morning walking, fast walking, for an hour, an hour and 20 minutes - that is 5 to 7 miles. Naturally careful not to overfeed me more than was necessary to compensate peirderile, and without holding any special diet in parallel. The result also lost about 7 pounds, but in seven days. After that and get fat and try it week "movement", but less often, because every time I get with tonsillitis. Have been coincidence, or that inhaled air pollution infierbatat of Bucharest, I can not say. I tried to abandon routes street, in favor of the Herastrau, but it was too far and too complicated, due to lack of time. I tried various courses of green tea pills, but apart insomnia I managed to get much.At 48 years old 124 pounds. Already I could not look in the mirror. Breathe hard knees started to hurt and I had a terrible state of apathy. If not expect anything from life. Work all day, from morning to evening, including Sundays - Sunday was the most miserable day for me. The only day off was Saturday morning when I slept until 11, then went to the supermarket to do shopping for the week. As for holidays, if caught two weeks a year, was a big deal.Only evenings relaxing moments came when we go to each one carciumioara. Eat heartily - because I did not have time in the morning and at lunch me with all sorts of junk food from caterers. Walk, and a sprite summer after that, back home, walk to the refrigerator and sleeping with food in the neck, had to take one or, lately, even two Omezs, so I can sleep. And sleep was tormented, without dreams, or worse, full of nightmares, and the next day I was again tired, listless, lethargic.You did not go to the pub, watching television and napping. Even I thought that my son will remember how I could not keep my eyes open at nine oclock movie. After that stays until late at night lying on the couch like a whale fainted. Not anymore. I wanted to start a diet necessarily, but I think it will deprive me and little pleasure that I had: spritulet rare dinners at the restaurant. Then on what to live?By whatever circumstances I left the paper and became home. It was a real surprise to discover Bucharest in daylight. Although with so much free time, stay still, "plugged in". I started some projects, I took another job, postponing from one day to another great debut weight loss diet that considered imminent. This threshold until summer, when already the situation became critical.And the day came when I decided: now or never. Following summer, a period of acclaimed on all fronts that interested me. I had a few months and take care of me. I knew if I did not at that time, if there aman, come fall, Ill start other projects, stress and other obligations, which would be lover indefinitely cure. I felt not only get into another existential crisis but also a crisis of time and apathy began to be downright sickly, with accents of depression, health problems, not serious, but more worrisome.First ten daysOne morning early summer I interned at Otopeni, "Ana Aslan" for a thorough medical checkup with the idea to start diet under medical supervision for at least two weeks. Ultimately proved to be ten days, but enough to start. Were important and rearranging domestic environment. That is the disappearance of the refrigerator all kinds of temptations, because, well, "sick" returned home with recipes and menus have helped to follow strict "treatment".In the first days of hospitalization I did all the tests plus glucose test, electrocardiogram, ultrasound, ophthalmologic examination, etc.. I came out very bad, nor good. Cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar higher than average, as creatinine and uric acid, glucose test problems, all required a medication called plus diet drastically. I had to do another round of tests that were some signs of diabetes, arteriosclerosis and others that I do not remember. In addition to medication (for various ailments that seem to suffer, not weight loss), I have also recommended physiotherapy, ultrasound, medical gymnastics, massage. I followed constiicios, as treatment, but was hardest diet.I went to 1200 calories per day. And last restriction: no sugar, salt and fat. Although I can not say much eating before admission, portions of 1200 calories per day I looked incerdibil poor. Morning: a cup of skim milk and two slices of cheese desarata, dim lunch a soup of vegetables and a piece of grilled chicken breast with lettuce plus an apple and an evening square liver pudding with carrots and another March. And this was the transition regime, because there are the 800 calories a day!I kept the regime and delayed effects did not occur. On the one hand, nemaiingurgitand salt and sugar, the body does not retain water, so the first three days I lost two pounds quickly, on the other hand started cruel dizziness, sometimes with headache. But I succumbed to temptation. Actually I never what to give up, because I had only apples in the refrigerator. I do industrial quantities of tea, which he drank without any sweetener.Next door neighbors saw me weak, pale and I was wondering why not compensate regime with some food from home because they do not support it, for which they had filled the fridge with chicken, cheese, fruit and other delicacies. Well the more I came to hospital to cure, if filled my fridge? Even with apples, eat only two or three in addition to receiving the meal, although the doctor had told me that I could eat the bag. The fact is that after these ten days I managed to lose excruciating 7 kg. See especially the front, but otherwise, really hard. However, the start was made.Up to minus 18 kgAlthough the beginning was encouraging, we continue cure large uncertainties. I thought to lose at least ten kilograms. Although secretly I wish a lot more, I never thought Id be able. On departure from Otopeni, I asked the doctors what treatment should follow. I got the answer I expected: no salt, sugar and fat-free dressings, fried foods rantasuri or without puffs, no sweets, no peanuts, no pasta, no bread, no, no, no ... And alcohol in any form ! I was really desperate. What was still breathing, if you are prohibited and the last joy of life? "And then what to do?" - I asked. "Find your why. Exercise, fresh air "- was my answer. I lamurisera! Even if you had given down seven pounds, the situation was not significantly improved. But if all begins ...Returned home, I went to the hospital regime and started to look online recipes, tips, experiences of others. Meanwhile, we have reduced the system to about 800 calories a day. If I still had dizziness and generalized weakness, even to see whats next.On the internet I found all sorts of specialized sites, but the most interesting ones I thought were the calorie content of each food separately. How cheese was too much, I cut it all off the list. I tried with skimmed milk, 0.1 percent fat, but it was too bland. Eventually I settled on semi buttermilk 1.5 percent fat Ive become addicted. I also found some canned tuna with vegetables 120 calories per cup, so daily menu in the next two weeks was about this: morning cup of semi-skim milk, noon a tin of tuna or fish sauce (no oil), evening a piece of grilled chicken breast with lettuce, possibly a roach. Then I read somewhere that tomato soup as indicated, so we went for evening canned tuna and eat lunch of tomato soup without salt and a little chicken. Otherwise, apples, unsweetened tea or coca.Plus one hour, an hour and a half walk every morning, except Saturday and Sundays days. I set different routes, but eventually I fixed on one of them, because almost half of the road makes the park. There were about 7 km away quickly and at first it was quite difficult. Although I had made comfortable sports shoes, the first day I had blisters on his feet. Weaning me up and to walk away! Only after about two weeks I passed blistering stage and started to walk somewhat normally even with relaxation and pleasure.But his best friend was weighed. It is vital. I weighed in the morning, noon and evening, and-n and-n waking sleep, trying to see what effect they had tried various foods. The great thing I learned to eat very little anyway, but the scale was (and is) always present in the program. I got one electronically, not too expensive, but effective, showing up per pound. The mechanicalm not too sure.What I managed to remove the menu was alcohol. Not that I wanted, but for some projects had meetings with friends or acquaintances and, as summer comes to discussions on each terrace. When he asked me what we drink and tell them not drink alcohol, though it broke the movie. Had no mood to talk, became grumpy, so I had to give up: "Well torna me some glass." One hundred grams of wine has about 165 calories, how much per cup of grilled chicken breast, so baby taiam evening menu.
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