The answer is easy, these tips will help you with any party you have to go to while you are being healthy or losing weight.

- Dont finish whats on your plate: Leaving something behind is a great way to control the calories that you are consuming when going out to dinner. When you are at a restaurant or function you never quite know how much butter etc goes into the food. If the meal is a cheat meal enjoy it then get back into it after the meal.
- Avoid any canape that is deep fried or limit to just one or two: Avoid anything that is deep fried or full of salt.
- Limit alcohol intake: believe it or not, alcohol contains a lot of calories and sometimes even fat depending on the drink. Limit your intake to one or two, your liver will also thank you
- Keep up the water intake: If there are large amounts of salt in the food you will feel thirsty, make sure you have your water intake.
- Eat healthy during the day: Eating healthy during the day before the even ensures your daily fat and calorie intake isnt high to begin with and will avoid you from gaining weight
- Exercise during the day: to help burn calories and to stop from gaining weight
With these tips you can enjoy the meal and the company without breaking your diet.

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