Due to recent personal difficulties a thought has approached my mind. Does relationships affect our health??? When I talk about relationships I dont mean just your partner. It could be the relationship you have with your parents, in-laws, siblings, friends etc.
A number of factors come into play when you think about the relationships in your life and the issues that are currently occurring:
- How long has the issues been occurring?
- Does the issue involve you or are you caught up in it?
- Does the issues consume your thoughts?
- Does the issues consume your day?
- Are you able to sleep at night?
- Do you push it in the back of your mind but it is always there?
- Does it affect your self esteem and self confidence?
You may be thinking, what does this have to do with health??? It has everything to do with health. Health is more then food and diet, there are many factors that connect to one another that forms who you are and how you cope with these situations.
Take this diagram for example. Health is at the centre and the three major aspects of health are overlapping one another. If one aspect of your health is affected, the rest will also be affected.

The impact on how it affects you depends on the situation and how it is affecting you and your health.
Ill give you an example:
Lets just say you have a partner who has a past that also affects their present. It affects the relationships around them and how they deal with life. They have issues with certain people in their life due to past events and the people involved deny any wrong doing.
This would normally not affect you if it was any other person but in this case it has. You find yourself in the middle and it starts to affect your own personal life. Due to the people involved being so close to your partner (family/friends) you try to help. You try to bring them closer together, you sugar coat the situation in a attempt to help but it just makes it worse for everyone involved.
You start to lose self confidence because you somehow are getting the blame for something that you are not actually involved in and it starts affecting your own health. You gain weight from the stress and it affects your sleep and how you eat. Your health starts to suffer and you start to question your future and all the dreams you had before.
Getting the picture??? ......
It can indeed affect you and your health. It can take away from the life you have, take away your identity and your happiness.
So what can you do????????
There are plenty of stress techniques that you can do to help clear your mind and help you get on the right tract:
- Treat yourself to a massage
- Do some relaxation techniques
- Meditate
- Exercise (boxing does wonders ..... trust me)
- Have a hot bath with lavender or any other essential oil you like
- Pamper yourself - spend some time just for you
- Read a good book
Diet, healthy eating and exercise does indeed help with how your body physically cope with stress. Having foods rich in anti oxidants and magnesium such as broccoli and green leafy vegetables can also help you sleep better at night.
In terms on what can help the actual situation at hand, it all depends on your situation and what you are facing at the current time. Ideally it is good to talk to someone you dont have a emotional connection with either a friend, health professional or counsellor.
No matter what the situation is, distancing yourself sometimes is the best thing you can do until you are thinking more clearly and know what to do. At the end of the day, if you dont put yourself first you can start to lose yourself and everything you love and believe in. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health and well-being for. Put yourself first and everything else will fall into place.

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