Most times the answers to our questions are simpler than we imagined, but we complicate seeking solutions more difficult. Miracle potion you need to lose weight is water. Why? Know that water suppresses appetite and helps metabolize stored fat. How so? Well, the kidneys can not function properly without enough water intake. When they have too much work-impurity density is higher when the amount of water is reduced to a part of their functions are taken over by the liver. The liver is responsible for metabolizing stored fat and transform it into energy for the body. If the liver is forced to take over the functions of the kidney, then it can not function normally. Therefore, we metabolize less fat and the weight loss will be prevented. If you do not drink enough water a lot, then you retain water. When the body gets less water than it needs, when it perceives this as a threat, so you begin to make "deposits". Water will be stored in spaces outside cells causing swelling in the legs and arms. A short term solution is the diuretics, but they remove both water and some important nutrients. The body will be traumatized and will try to replace water lost quickly. The best way to combat and prevent water retention is to give your body enough water. Since that time, stored water will be slowly released. It is possible to retain water, because using too much salt. The more you add salt to food, the body will retain more water can dilute it. Water maintains muscle tone, because it enables muscle contraction. Water also helps prevent the appearance of skin "left" ugly effect of rapid weight decrease. Water helps the body get rid of waste. Water and fight against constipation. Remember that our body is made up of 60-70% water. Therefore, it can not function properly if you are dehydrated. You need a reason to drink water? Find that 75% of our brain is made up of water. For this reason, even makes sense to play with your health. Sugars and carbohydrates are processed more quickly than other nutrients. If you do not drink enough water a lot, you will not receive nutritional quality of food containing numerous lipid calories but you will have only owned them. If food is not digested normally when nutrient absorption is complete and the body will be asked to feed. They feel the food cravings are your bodys way of occasionally draws attention to lack certain nutrients. Maybe your meals contain all the elements needed by the body, but if they are not properly processed, your body will reclaim its rights, and thou shalt crunch something. How much water do you need? On average, a person should drink about 8 glasses of water each day, or about 2 liters. However, fatter people should drink a glass of water for every 10 extra pounds on their overweight for their height and constitution. The amount of water ingested deposit must be increased and if increased exercise or if the weather is very warm. Water should be drunk cold, because it is absorbed faster than warm. There are studies showing that drinking cold water will burn calories. How to drink more water? Every time I go home, take with you a bottle of water. In addition, make sure you always have a glass of water on your desk. Are you dehydrated? An easy way to tell if you drink too little water is easy to pinch your hand and see if the skin recovers quickly or if traces remain. If you sign ciupiturii remains, then you need to increase the amount of water ingested. Water enemies caffeine based drinks (cola drinks, energy, coffee) dehydrate you. Some studies show that for every cup of coffee consumed, you should still drink water four to redress the balance.
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