Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Pinterest Addict

I must admit like everyone else around me I seem to have caught the Pinterest bug.  Everything seems easy enough for you to do and if you dont have everything to accomplish your targeted Pin, it just seems rational enough to go hunting for those supplies because you just have to know if it really works. So here are the triumphs that I have had while hunting through recipes on Pinterest.

One Hour Rolls
Ill be honest this was my second attempt at bread in my entire life. The first attempt was dreadful and I had managed to turn good flour into hard rocks, good flavor, but you couldnt chew. Ever since the days of watching my grandmother make bread I wanted that badge of honor for myself! So thanks to The Mother Huddle my dream came true :) Tasty and easy to do. There a few tips I have to add just from watching my grandmother. When you go to make your individual rolls butter your hands as it will make it easier. 

These were taken from one of my favorite blogs:
She has the most amazing looking snacks! These were Cheddar Heart Crackers and they tasted amazing! I had to tweak the recipe a little and add more water but it worked and the flavor was very good. However, I still have not found how to make them keep their crunch long enough to worth all the trouble. The recipe can be found here:

 Strawberry-Kiwi Fruit Roll-ups. 
These were gone faster than I could make them! I did one pan of Stawberry-Kiwi and another of Peach-Mango. After it was all said and done I liked the Stawberry-Kiwi much better. This little gem came from Food Babbles and although hers looked much better, I was much more worried about the amazing taste! I followed her recipe to a T except I did not remove the seeds which seemed like more work that I was looking for. Also for the amount of time this takes if you do anything less than four 9x13 sheets its not worth it. Here is the recipe:

Homemade Pizza Rolls
My daughter loved these and they are so much cheaper, healthier, and better than Pizza Huts!
These are from The Girl Who Ate Everything and will not disappoint, and even the least experienced cook can pull these off. Recipe:

I have a few of my own recipes I will be adding shortly but like most I never think to take picture while Im in the middle of everything so I have a few things to remake this week.

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