Sabtu, 30 April 2016

To My Ex Best Friend on Her Wedding Day

If there is one thing about my blog that I take the most pride in, its my brutal honesty. I was always one for transparency but blogging has brought me to a point of no shame where nothing seems to be off limits. I hope that my honesty is helpful. Whether it lets you know your not alone or shows you that there is someone out there a little weirder than you, I hope it helps. So with that being said Ive decided to write on my touchiest subject, yes I do have one: my ex-best friend.

We havent really spoken in almost 6 years and today was her wedding day. We stopped speaking in the middle of my pregnancy for reasons that are still somewhat unclear to me. I know part of it was that she believed she had to choose between me and her now husband. Somehow I made her feel that she had to make that decision and I dont know, maybe I did. It was awkward and him and I had very different personalities. I didnt know what to say to him more often than not and maybe he felt the same way. As it often happens if life, I was more concerned with myself and what was happening in my life. I felt like she was avoiding me so I stopped calling and intentionally missed her birthday. I was trying to hurt her. I felt hurt and abandoned but I acted like a child instead of being honest. When I eventually apologized it was more rambling than anything and Im more than certain that it came of as insincere. There is a thing as too late. 

For years Ive had random dreams about her. Sometimes Im apologizing to her and sometimes she is apologizing to me. Either way I wake up feeling hurt and sometimes angry. It makes it difficult to heal wounds when you still have friends who are still intimately involved with the person, but I tried my best. When I heard that she was getting married I cried a lot! I didnt expect to but I did. It was even more difficult when I heard that my best friend had been asked to be one of her bridesmaids. I immediately called my mother and cried like a little girl. So I did what everyone does these days and Googled it. I know I know but I had to see if anyone understood what I was feeling. Needless to say it was slim pickings and most of these broads were asking if the should attend the wedding uninvited! The thought had never even crossed my mind and I had no intention of ruining her day. I just wanted to know how to move forward and find peace. Google did not give me those answers. Time did not give me what I wanted because I lost a lifelong friend. Not a cheap fling or casual friend but a deep relationship, or at least thats how it felt to me. 

I had someone who understood me when it seemed like no one else did. I was odd and quirky and she somehow mitigated that part of me. She harassed me endlessly about not looking people in the eyes when I spoke until I learned how, which is now my own pet peeve. We were terrible cooks together and ate half baked cookies but apart we baked just fine. She always had a confidence that I envied and was a far better piano player than me, but even with her confidence she had terrible stage fright. I loved the stage and had mediocre skills. She was intuitive and called me on my bullshit. She was a sister to me and could say and get away with things no one else could. But here I am on her wedding day, sitting here talking to all of you about what Ive missed. She was my maid of honor and gave a funny, not so sentimental toast. Thats the kind of person I am so its weird that I would be the sentimental one now. But here is what I would say to her on this day.

Thank you. Thank you for being apart of my life even if it wasnt as long as I would have hoped. Thank you for introducing me to my husband, the love of my life. There is no greater gift you could have given me. You knew just what I needed, like always. He was everything I needed and could have hoped for, and you always knew when the other guys were total shit! Im sorry I couldnt be there for you or what you needed but Im so glad you found what you needed. You were always very strong and I know youll get everything out of life that youve wanted. I wish I had spent more time getting to know the man youve married but if he has you sense of humor, adventurous spirit, and intellect, then the two of you will do great. I hope this day is everything you wanted it be and that the years that follow are the best of you life. 
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I battled with the idea of whether or not to write this piece wondering if it was out anger or a genuine need to educate husbands and stay-at-home mothers. I think a lot of time we wish to express to our husbands how a particular incident makes us feel but end up going down the rabbit hole getting lost along the way. Unfortunately some of us, this includes men but lets face it ladies its our trademark fighting skill, dredge up past fights which prevent us from making progress in our relationships. So im going to try my best to explain how it feels to go from a young attractive desirable, I might be stretching it a little ;), woman to a stay at home mom who is undateable.

I think in every relationship the man tries to put his best foot forward and impress the lady he has in his cross-hairs. Then as soon as he has her he lets this slide a little. Perhaps its something he himself does not notice and has been simple taught this is the way you obtain a girl. Besides men have been doing this for years and grown up watching this example. Our society teaches us that romance wanes in a marriage and that after a honeymoon period we will not longer make other people sick with our affection. Those men, notice im not including all of them, out there that believe sex is the only intimacy a woman needs for the rest of their marriage have a huge wake up call coming. I am by no means a romantic. I do not like getting flowers, perfume, jewelry, or chocolate. I hate big showy displays of affection and they embarrass me. I believe my husband has a very easy job in that way. So I am not trying to goad men into buying things for women or to tell them how to buy their way out of trouble. I think a sincere effort needs to be put into making your wife feel loved, appreciated, and sexy. Men assume if the tell a woman she is sexy that she should just take their word but its hard for a woman to take such a compliment when the only way hes willing to prove that to her is through sex.

Prior to becoming a mom my husband and I went out on a regular basis. I was perfectly fine with not receiving showy gifts and grand displays of ooey gooey love.  I had time to get ready every night before we went out and felt sexy enough to wear things Id never put on now. Sure there were times when I didnt feel like getting out but those occasion pale in comparison to my current social calender. So I suppose that leads us to what prompted this little rant in the first place. You see my husband went out for a birthday party for a co-worker and Im here blogging while being the perpetual baby sitter. Im not pissed like youd assume Im just hurt and feeling extremely unattractive at this point. Even as I write this, as hard as it is to admit, I fight back tears because of how crappy it feels. You see it never even asked if I wanted to go. Weve fallen into that rut that spouses do when they have kids. He gets a social life and I get a mommy social life. There is a big difference. Men assume we are fulfilled because we have mommy groups or play dates but time with our spouses is very important. Men can end up feeling like the kids come first, and every woman does this for different reasons, but who else will come first when we feel like no one else wants us?

You see its hard to feel like that sexy attractive young woman you once were that everyone wanted to date but now your own husband wont. It can make us feel so unwanted. I realize from your point of view it doesnt appear that way but its almost like being thrust back into high school when you couldnt get a guy to notice you for anything until you got breasts. Weve been demoted to nanny status. We take care of the kids and make sure the house is tidy. Now this may seem like an extreme but im gonna say it anyways: When you dont take the time to date us but expect sex you make us feel like a cheep whore. I know extreme but the only thing were lacking is the cash at the end. Without the dating were just a nanny and a hooker all rolled into one. Thats ridiculous and demeaning! If you married her Im assuming its because you love her and wanted to spend the rest of your life with her not make her feel cheap and used. Its your job as a man to stand out from all those other guys shes encountered who just wined and dined her until the nabbed her. You have her for life and she agreed to it!

Now dont go assuming that this is the first time this has happened to me and I just fall apart. I assure you Im a mentally sound woman with plenty of interests. I think what I want to get across to me is that you have to make an effort to pull her out of her domestication. We get stuck in the day to day things and need you to help us remember what its like to be fun and sexy. So you cant go blaming your wife when she says no and call it good. If our house is a mess and there is a lot of work to be done it weighs on us and its hard to go out and have a good time. Men can just leave it all like it is and forget about it but the last thing we want to do is come home from and amazing night and have to start cleaning the house. Or worse yet have you try to seduce us on a pile of dirty laundry, aka the bed or floor depending on how you like to get down. Ladies, dont think I forgot about you. We tend to forget to just chill out about things and we talk about wanting our husbands to assert themselves in this manner but when they do we shoot them down. So we have to reward their good efforts or stop complaining about them not trying because after so many times they will give up.

I know its a lot but I had to say it because so many times after the incident we forget what that feels like or we try to hide it from our husbands because it makes us vulnerable, which it does. Unfortunately that the only way to grow is to let yourself be vulnerable. Screaming it at them isnt the answer because they just tune out, and rightly so. Im trying my best to learn to not lash out and Ive actually known all day that this is what was going to happen tonight and I chose to keep my mouth shut all day. I couldnt talk about it without being angry so I had to wait until I got to a point where I could properly express myself without badgering him into it. I dont want him to date me because I made him. Who would? I want to express myself in a way that he understand where I am coming from and wants to make me feel sexy and loved and is not just doing it so ill get off his back.

Good luck everyone.

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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Citrus Lane February 2014 w Coupon

February 2014 Citrus Lane Box for 4 Yr. Old Girl

This was our first Citrus Lane box and I was able to get it free with a coupon code. My daughter was very happy with everything included. I wish they would include the prices with the card like many subscription box services do but they may not as this would make a wonderful gift. We were sent an e-mail a few weeks back and allowed to pick which Zoo Storage Bin we wanted so the ability to pick was nice and not many subscription boxes offer that option. So here is how the value breaks down as well as some coupon codes.

Tie-Up Shoe from Plan Toys $8.00 

Zoo Storage Bin from Skip Hop $15
Code: CLFeb14 for 20% off $30 or more til 3/17/2014

Skip Through the Seasons from Barefoot Books $6.99 
Code: CITRUSSTORY 15% off til 3/10/2014

Green Apple Age Defy Hand Cream from Juice Beauty $12
Code: CITRUS14 for $10 off $40 or more til 4/30/2014

The box cost $29 each month, $24 month with 3 month subscription or $21 with 6 month subscription. The value of this box was $41.99. Not too bad and the bin is bigger than I though it would be. I do like that its not just a bunch of toys and there are some very practical items as well as something for mom thats actually something youd want. Personally I think my daughter may be too old for this and I wish I would have known about it sooner but I think it would make a great gift and think I may do it for my 6 month old nephew down the road. 

You can get 50% off your first month using the link below if you think this is something youd like to try. 

Citrus Lane 50% off First Month

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Last weekend, WPS had a bye—meaning no competition. However, professional athletes understand that doesn’t mean abandoning good nutritional habits, such as making sure to have plenty of healthy food on hand.

One of the most common failings of youth players (and youth in general) is to go from school to practice or games  or any activities “on empty.” They’ve had a noon lunch, but don’t have the snacks  on hand to fuel up for post-school play. That means not eating for at least 6-7 hours.

Two lunches is the solution.

Solving the Four O’clock Munchies

Many athletes believe eating in the afternoon is sinful. They self-inflict "Thou shalt not snack" as an Eleventh Commandment. Then, if they succumb, they feel guilty. Or more likely, younger players do not plan for after-school eating, and then train on empty. Hunger is neither bad nor wrong. It is a normal physiological function. You can expect to get hungry every four hours. If you have lunch at 11:00 or 12:00 P.M., your body needs fuel by 3:00 or 4:00 P.M.

If you think of your afternoon fuel as a “second lunch,” you’ll end up with wholesome food—a second sandwich, a mug of soup, or peanut butter on crackers and a (decaf) latte. In comparison, “afternoon snack” suggests candy, cookies and sweets—the goodies craved by soccer players who eat too little at breakfast and first lunch. The preferred solution to sweet cravings is to prevent the cravings by eating more food earlier in the day, and having a second lunch later in the afternoon. The second lunch maintains afternoon energy and helps prevent evening over-eating.

“When I was on the Boston Breakers, Nancy taught us to eat two lunches. It’s good to eat the same amount of food four times a day instead of a little bit in the morning and then a lot towards the end of the day.”

Amy Rodriguez, Forward, Philadelphia Independence

Excerpted from Food Guide for Soccer—Tips & Recipes From the Pros, with Women’s Professional Soccer, by Gloria Averbuch and Nancy Clark, RD. Available on or
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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Negative Eating Behavior

What to look for. keep your eyes open for any negative eating patterns, such as late night snacking, habitually “eating on the run”. Or eating for no reason other than youre stressed, angry or bored.

How they developed. Negative behavior patterns are developed over time and could have been developed in childhood. How you learned to eat then, could be whats making you feel over weight now.

To find a diet plan to help overcome key negative eating behavior, visit
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What is eating clean

What is Clean Eating??? 

It is term that is widely used in the health industry as a whole, from weight loss to weight training, eating clean is found everywhere.... 

So what is clean eating?? Clean eating is simply this: 

Clean eating is food that is found in its natural state... 

This includes: 
  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Whole grains 
  • Lentils and Beans
  • Oils such as olive oil and coconut oil
  • Fish
  • Honey 
  • Clean Water
  • Organic grass fed meat and Free Range Chicken 
  • Eggs and 
  • High quality low fat dairy and non dairy sources such as milk and yoghurt 
Clean Eating also includes avoiding the following:
  • Anything that is processed 
  • Anything that is full of sugar, salt and saturated fats
  • Soft drinks and juices that is full of additives and sugar
  • "vitamin waters" 
  • Deep Fried Anything 
So Clean Eating Simply means eating healthy and having a healthy active lifestyle 

There is controversy over the clean eating lifestyle. Some believe that it is too strict, others say that its just a fancy way of saying healthy eating....

However you say it, eating healthy can vary from person to person depending on their situation. For example one person can have fruit while a diabetic has to limit fruit. It is just a matter of finding what healthy eating plan best suits you.

If you are not sure, always consult your health professional or doctor... 

Further Reading: 

Here is some further reading on the topic that you may find interesting... 

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Queen Spa Night

Last night as I was roaming Pinterest I came across a pin that said "Bath Like a Queen" and something about Esther. I was immediately intrigued knowing Esther to be a biblical heroine who just happened to be gorgeous.

To be honest I had been in this frumpy mood lately and I just received some goodies in the mail for my birthday. One was the Fresh Rose Face Mask. It was a deluxe freebie from Sephora that I got along with my other goodies. Upon looking it up on Ebay I saw that my 0.68 oz freebie was going for $15! I wasnt sure that I wanted to waste it on myself.

Then I ran across that pin that led me to the Fancy Little Things blog and a post all about treating yourself like a queen. You can read the post here: Bath Like a Queen. Her spa night is fool proof and you will feel amazing! I didnt have honey for my face so I decided I was worth it and tried the Fresh Rose Face Mask. One word: Amazing! I have really dry skin and before I put on my makeup I typically have to put on lotion twice and then my primer. Before I put it on I used my Neutrogena Wave with the Olay pads. Then I put the mask on and left it on for about 10 minutes. My skin was softer than when I put on my Bare Minerals primer. Its still soft today and I didnt have to put on any lotion. I dont know that its worth $55 for less than 4 oz but its worth trying a sample. The sample size should be good for at least 4 facials I would think depending on how liberal you are with it. Moral of the story: take time for yourself not because you deserve it, cause lets face it we never feel like we do, but because you are treasured and loved and your body should reflect your inner beauty.

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3 Day Diet Day 3 Breakfast

Ill have to admit this feels like a lot longer than 3 days.  I didnt expect to see very good results. The blog claimed I could lose up to 10lbs in 3 days and I lowered my expectations to about 3 pounds. My expectations were really blown out of the water and now im thinking I should have taken before and afters. However, I dont feel lighter and I dont think I look it to be honest.  I can note a few differences. Before the diet I felt that the elastic on my undergarments was getting too tight and Id have to go up another size. Now they feel comfortable and they way I remember them feeling quite a while ago.  So here is my day 3 weigh in and ill also post a result page tomorrow with my final weight and then after the 4 days of break ill do this all over again.

Day 3 Weigh In: 148.5

Day 3 Breakfast


1 Small Apple
1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese
5 Saltine Crackers

I can honestly admit Im not as hungry as I was and usually when lunch comes around I have to make myself eat, but its important to eat everything they tell you because too little calories and youll loose nothing.

Blog where I got the diet plan:

*Disclaimer: This is not my diet plan I am just following it. Check with your doctor before doing this diet and read the blog link provided. I am simply sharing my experience with this diet and not recommending it*
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Rabu, 27 April 2016

Click Here to Try the 6 Week Body Makeover System!

Eat to live: the amazing nutrient-rich program for fast and sustained weight loss six-week plan is plan on quitting ever 4 out of 6 people found this review helpful. 6 week body transformation program diet reviews, weight loss 6 week body makeover: a plan customized to up her weight loss plan 400 calorie fix from prevention magazine s liz vaccariello: eat 3 or 4. Lose weight fast with diet and exercise plans the 6 week body makeover is a diet and fitness plan lose weight with a customized plan, you will be able to eat magazines blueprinting the secret behind the 6 week body. Oxygen women s fitness magazine training, nutrition, fat loss magazine s training workouts, clean nutrition tips and recipes, fat loss weight without breaking the bank join the bestselling author of the eat-clean diet the week. Diet and weight loss lose weight with jillian michaels weight-loss plan you don t need to be a contestant on one of jillian s favorite products: a cuisinart air popper it helps you eat.

Click Here to Try the 6 Week Body Makeover System!

- fat loss diets articles  up your diet the dangers of detox diets how to eat clean fat and passing up alcohol and soda for a week our plan keywords healthy eating, weight loss, diet advice. Diet reviews and weight loss programs information for 600+ diets also, the abs diet is a six week plan which calls for you to eat six duke diet review eat clean diet review eat stop weight loss cure review weight watchers review zone. Six week weight loss plan - eat clean magazine reviews i ve graced more than 20 magazine covers it takes a lot of discipline to eat clean so this week i am providing some sample plans for weight loss and weight gain. Barnes & noble eat to live: the amazing nutrient-rich program 15-30 pounds of weight loss 5-8 inches off your this is the same 6 week step by step program that got the specific fat loss nutrition: if you eat like crap you will.

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Postpartum Depression the Baby Book

Its been almost 5 years since my daughter was born and I am now just picking up the pink flowered baby book I got to record her early and precious moments. Up until a few days ago it was empty save a few words recording the weight and measurements of the first month. The blank pages scream vicious words reminding me of failures and disappointments, unmet expectations, and immeasurable pain. I suppose I had purposefully stayed away from it feeling too inadequate to complete it. I had no idea I may not be able to complete it from the lack of information I possess. I am finding that I have no photos or videos of my own from the first 6-9 months of her life. Worse I cant remember them. All of my memories are painful ones and my experience with Postpartum Depression has left me with a cruel amnesia of sorts. So here is what I am doing to fill in the blanks and hopefully the book as well.

1. Get Photos from Family & Friends

I have found that I possess no photos or film that I personally took from at least the first 6 months of my daughters life. Its embarrassing even though I had my priorities straight. Photos and film were just not possible and although its understandable it makes me feel like a terrible mother. I have asked my family to send me all of their early photos so I can fill out the baby book and create a small baby album. They have all been happy to help and I have just had to ignore the inner voice that tells me I will be judged. If you are too embarrassed simply say your computer crashed as mine has crashed twice since my daughter was born so its a viable story if need be.

2. Cover up Unnecessary Pages

Some of the pages I will simple not be able to fill out like her hand and foot prints. I could do them now but I found it was a better choice for me to cover that page with photos & mementos. Even had I not gone through Postpartum I would not have done all the pages. Some are just silly and not worth the effort. When you think about it baby books have changed very little if any and there is no reason you cant make it your own.

3. Get Silly

It may not seem like the time since its such a difficult experience but my husband is helping me to understand that its ok to laugh about some of it. When I dont have a photo and start to cry he offers to draw one for me. I havent let him do it yet but I honestly think it might make for a more interesting book for our daughter to look at down the road. When I dont remember something he makes up a ludicrous story. Maybe a baby book shouldnt be so factual. There should be a section that asks when daddy tried to drink out of babys bottle for the first time because he was that tired. When we were in the hospital for her UTI my husband slept walked into another patients room and stole a diet coke! I think my daughter would appreciate that much more.

4. Hand it Over

I wish I would have considered giving the baby book to my mother to do. My baby book was filled out to the brim and that woman is crazy about that stuff. We could have passed the baby book around. At this point it feels a little late but its still an option. It almost sounds better to toss this one and start a new one with 12 months with a letter from a family member for each month. I still may do that on the side. I think it would also be good for me because I dont remember much and I want to so badly.

5. Write Letters

The back of the baby book has a section for mom and dad to write letters. I think its my favorite part even if I cant tell her about her very early life. The weights and measurements dont seem so important when you are writing a letter to your child about their place in your heart. Youre not going to tell them you weighed so much this month and so much the next month so why would it matter in a baby book?

6. Ask the Doctor

If you feel you need weights a measurements because you are a perfectionist like me go to the doctors office. It may not be for every month but it will give you a more complete picture. You dont need to tell them what you are doing simply request a copy of the records.

I have found very little on this subject which is odd. I feel like its a big deal for many of us and we dont know where to begin or who to ask for help. I ran across Postpartum Progress and found an article on just this subject that may be helpful as well by Katherine Stone: On Baby Books & Postpartum Depression. I highly recommend reading the comments on her post because many of the women share very helpful information and ideas. Even searching for the very subject it was difficult because it isnt a big talking point and Google confuses it with baby book as in advice.

In a way it feels like reliving it all over again. The depression is awful and Im hoping completing the task will give me peace. Its hard to accept that I am missing memories from most of my pregnancy and 6-9 months afterward. I feel like these are memories I was suppose to have until I got too old or had Alzheimers. I feel cheated and angry at myself and the world. Oddly I dont feel like God is punishing me, which Ive been told before by pastors, because I cannot imagine such a sin. Its a complicated feeling as my daughter is here and Im blessed but at the same time so overcome with guilt and grief. I welcome comments as I think everyone can benefit from the advice and wisdom of others experiencing the same thing.


After trying to struggle through the original baby book I bought I came up with a much easier solution for my particular situation:

7. Create Your Own Book

Ive found many sites suggest using something like Shutterfly either just to create a photo book or an actual baby book. I am actually going this route now. I started using the old baby book, covering up unnecessary pages, and filling it what I could but it was still incomplete in my mind and very stressful. Since I am creating my own I chose what to include and can focus on what I remember instead of what I dont. Its still a bit stressful because it is tedious and Im a perfectionist but its a different and more manageable stress. I search around for odd or unique things to include in a baby book and then try to recreate pages using embellishments etc. Now Im actually having fun and take great pride when a page turns out the way I want. For the time being I will have to stop focusing on what I dont know because it is just too painful. Creating my own will be much more fulfilling for me and once Im done I will pitch the old one.
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Selasa, 26 April 2016

Amazing Easy Taco Soup

I forget sometimes how much I love soup...
Its a cheap, healthy, quick meal that always provides leftovers.

My soup of choice this week was:

Taco Soup
I used grass fed beef and all organic beans for this soup and the
total cost for this meal was $12 for 10 servings

3 cans of beans (I used kidney, black, and pinto)
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 can corn kernels
1 can of water
1 small can diced green chilies
1/2 diced onion
1 lb. ground beef  (I used 1/2 lb and it was plenty!!!)
1 pkg reduced sodium taco seasoning
1 pkg ranch dressing mix 

1. Brown the ground beef and the diced onions in a large soup pot over medium high heat.

2. Open all 3 cans of beans and drain the liquid.  Rinse beans in a colander with water. Add beans to pot.
 ***Canned beans are LOADED with sodium, mostly contained in the liquid.  By draining and rinsing canned beans you DRASTICALLY lower the sodium content of your meal.

3. Add corn, water, and diced green chilies to the pot.  Before adding the stewed tomatoes, I drain the liquid in the pot and then dump the tomatoes on a large cutting board and dice them very small, then add them to the pot. I hate chunky tomatoes in my soup :)

4. Add taco and ranch seasoning packets and stir to combine.  Add extra water to create your desired soup consistency.

5. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to lowest setting and let simmer for 20 minutes.

6. Enjoy with shredded sharp cheddar cheese, sour cream, and tortilla chips!
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Janod Fairy House Floor Puzzle Review

I bought this Janod floor puzzle for my daughters 4th birthday and it was just too cute I couldnt pass it up. The idea of a puzzle in a hat box had never crossed my mind but it was appealing. So here are the pros and cons of the Janod Fairy House Floor Puzzle.

The box is adorable and feels pretty sturdy.

The latch is wooden making it easy for little ones to access.

The picture of the completed puzzle on the back of the hat box is rather small and could be a little bigger.

The inside has the Janod bunny logo which is pretty cute.

The actual puzzle is 36 pieces, 24.4 x 36.2 inches when complete. The issue my husband and daughter found when putting it together is that some of the pieces are pretty similar and can fit together with the wrong pieces. Its recommended for ages 4-7 but it may be difficult for this reason. The puzzle pieces are very thick which is nice making them very sturdy. Since it is so large little ones may have difficulty matching the correct pieces since theyd have to stand up to see the whole picture.

Finally if you thought this would be easy for your little one to put away on their own think again. The puzzle pieces have to be stacked in two piles in order to close this hat box. I dont see a 4-7 year old doing that so be prepared to do the clean up. 

Final Verdict: Its very cute but may require extra parental help with assembly and pick up. I got mine for $18 on Citrus Lane so the cost wasnt awful. However, some sites charge upwards of $35 had I paid that much I would have been disappointed. 

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How do you see yourself

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I did my usual weekly food shopping at one of my favorite places. As this week ahead is going to be another busy week I wanted to ensure that there was food for lunches and dinners.

Many people were doing the same thing as I was, getting ready for another busy week ahead. Buying food for the family and any other item that is needed for the running of their households.

As i looked around in the produce section I noticed more and more people are adding items in their weekly shop that was once considered a treat is now a part of the staple diet. Many of these items were in bulk proportions.

Foods such as potato chips, chocolate, lollies, sweets and nuts that are coated in sugar (honey roasted nuts) are now part of the staple diets.

Many other items such as agave nectar (that appears to be healthy) is also a part of the weekly shopping list for many people. I overheard a couple saying this syrup is good for you because its from a plant.

We need to take a second look about what goes in the shopping trolley, to read the labels, to read the ingredients list and to understand how the ingredient list works.

The ingredient list is listed in order according to how much of the ingredient is in the product. It is listed from most to least. If sugar for example is number 1 or two on the list then the product is made nearly entirely of sugar.

With obesity, obesity related conditions and death associated with being overweight on the rise, its important to take a second look at the weekly shopping list and cross out the highly processed, refined and high sugar foods.

This is exactly what i did and it was the best decision that i have made. 
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Senin, 25 April 2016

Summer often means soccer "on the road," with significant travel for tournaments and camps. That, in turn, entails eating out, or eating on the go. Ironically, however, it is during this season of intense soccer when diets can go awry by making poor choices (or not planning ahead) when away from home. Below are some suggestions for healthful food choices from common "on the road" food stops, featured in Food Guide for Soccer: Tips and Recipes from the Pros.

In the meantime, Womens Professional Soccer heats up with a final push toward making it to the playoff run. Stay tuned to see which four teams qualify for a run to capture the 2010 WPS Championship presented by Citi.


Dunkin Donuts: Low-fat muffin, bagel, juice, bean or broth-based soups, hot cocoa, bagel and egg-white sandwich

Deli: Bagel with bean- or broth-based soups; sandwiches or subs with lots of bread and half the roast beef, turkey, ham or cheese. (Or, ask for two extra slices of bread or a second roll to make a sandwich for your second lunch with the excessive meat.) Go light on the mayonnaise, and instead, add moistness with sliced tomatoes, lettuce, mustard or ketchup. Add more carbohydrates with juice, fruit, fig bars, or yogurt for dessert.

McDonalds: Sandwich with grilled chicken, yogurt parfait, salad with dressing on the side

Wendys: Bowl of chili with a plain baked potato

Taco Bell: Bean burrito

Pizza: Thick-crust with extra veggies or a side salad rather than extra cheese or pepperoni or other fatty meat

Pasta: Spaghetti or ziti with tomato sauce and a glass of lowfat milk for protein. Be cautious of lasagna, tortellini, or manicotti that are filled with cheese (i.e., high in saturated fat).

Chinese: Hot and sour or wonton soup; plain rice with stir-fried entrées such as beef and broccoli or chicken with pea pods. Request the food be cooked with minimal oil. You can also ask for it steamed, which is without any oil. Limit fried appetizers and fried entrées; fill up on steamed rice, instead.

Soups: Hearty soups (such as split pea, minestrone, lentil, vegetable, or noodle) accompanied by crackers, bread, a plain bagel, or an English muffin provide a satisfying, carbohydrate-rich, low-fat meal.

Beverages: Both juices and sugar-filled soft drinks are rich in carbohydrates that fuel muscles. Juices, however, are better for your health, providing vitamin C, potassium, and overall nutritional quality.

Excerpted from Food Guide for Soccer-Tips & Recipes From the Pros, with Womens Professional Soccer, by Gloria Averbuch and Nancy Clark, RD. Available on or

Gloria Averbuch/Sky Blue FC
Director, Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: 732-271-7700 x307 | Cell: 973-449-8880 Fax: 732-271-7735
80 Cottontail Lane | Suite 400 | Somerset, NJ 08873

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Video of the day Roasted tomato soup

Do you have tomatoes growing and dont know what to do with them?

Why not make a big batch of yummy roasted tomato soup.

Tomatoes are full of nutrients and have nutritional value even when cooked.

Make it in a big batch and freeze some for a quick and easy meal.

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How to lose weight up to 10 Kg

Honestly now, Im in the process of stabilizing and balancing diet and exercise. I try to live as healthy as possible even though my parents sent me home gorge on cakes (two in the fridge and I am tempted to die). The first rule of this would be to do cleaning frgider (throw everything cake, white bread, margarine, pastries, salami and stuff preforms). In addition to the first rule should be the golden rule of shopping: do not go shopping on an empty stomach again! If you do not believe me only a test, youll see why buy when youre hungry and your brain screams "sugar, sugar, sugar" and when you think you can stomach happy and cool.

But now back to the primary idea, how to lose 10 kg (or somewhere in that area) ... Theres no extraordinarily difficult nor too easy. The first thing you should do is to analyze your behavior daily (I know it sounds ancient but is not). Think of how much the portions you eat, the feeling you have when you leave the table at how much activity you do daily.

The basic steps in losing those few pounds that you grind it like this:

Try to reduce slowly meals you when you leave the table feeling like you want to walk your belly Tarai youre sick;
If you do not like the gym or do not have enough time to try a sport that you would fit (cycling, running morning in the park with the dog, etc.) do not have a sportsman, but put your blood moving and make your heart beat a little repejor. While you have to go to something more demanding but for now it is enough that;
For rontaitorii of bagels for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bagel you not hungry and did not come with necessary vitamins and minerals your body every day. So do not be surprised when you do not lose weight from diet pretzels
Eat healthy! Eat foods that you know what it means, not that the name of super chemicals in the supermarket! And remember, as many vegetables as possible!
Pay attention to the speed at which you eat! We are so absorbed worries that we forget to chew! Food should be savored, piece by piece!
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Minggu, 24 April 2016

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Want to be on a winning team

Team sports are fun. Whether you are a member of a soccer team, running club, or  pick-up basketball team, the culture of team sports can easily lead to post-game food feasts, beer fests, and a suboptimal sports diet. Sure, part of team fun is food, but think twice and make sure you celebrate with functional foods that will improve team performance!
Research suggests when a team enjoys a carbohydrate-based sports diet that replenishes depleted muscle glycogen stores, the athletes perform better. For example, a motion-analysis study with ice hockey players indicates the better-fueled players with a higher carb intake were able to skate faster and more distance during the final period of the game.
Whether at home or on the road, hungry soccer players who have easy-access to pre-planned, balanced sports meals to eat before, during and after games will recover faster, rehydrate better, and function better. They can outperform hungry athletes fending for themselves who end up eating hit-or-miss convenience foods.

You need not be the team that trains hard but “forgets” to fuel appropriately. To find a sports dietitian to work with your team, use the referral network at You and your teammates will always wins with good nutrition!

Nancy Clark RD and Gloria Averbuch
Authors, Food Guide for Soccer: Tips and Recipes From the Pros

PS. For recipes for winning sports nutrition foods you can prepare for your post-game parties, refer to Food Guide for Soccer: Tips and Recipes From the Pros (
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Three days diet rapid weight loss

Although it is a short term diet that involves a small number of calories, three days has endured over time, has become increasingly popular and it seems that giving and results. Even if there is a healthy diet can be followed if necessary, for example when you prepare holiday and want to look your best in a bathing suit. The downside is that you will probably gain back lost weight, but at least get the desired results in a very short time.
Three day diet is simply a diet low in calories. There is no magic, no chemical reaction spectacular. That drops suddenly lose calories. And if you move something, the better.

Diet Plan

Day 1


Tea, coffee or water
 Half a grapefruit or the juice of half a grapefruit
 A slice of toast


 Half cup tuna
A slice of toast
Coffee, tea or water


100 grams of lean meat of any kind
A cup peas
A cup of carrots
A medium apple
A cup of ice

Day 2


 Water, coffee or tea
   An Egg
   A slice of toast
  A Banana


 A cup of tuna
 5 crackers
Coffee, tea or water


2 sausages
Half a cup of carrots
A Banana
A cup of broccoli or cabbage
Half a cup with ice
Tea, coffee or water

Day 3


Tea, coffee or water
5 crackers
30 grams cheese without salt
An apple


A hard boiled egg
A slice of toast
Tea, coffee or water


 A cup of tuna
A cup of carrots
A cup of cauliflower
A cup of watermelon
½ cup ice
Coffee, tea or water

Spices types are:

Lemon juice
Salt (very little) and pepper

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Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Homemade Pizza Dough

This pizza dough recipe is my absolute favorite. I use it anytime I make pizza or calzones. Start by using 1/2 wheat, 1/2 white flour and work your way up to 100% whole wheat pizza dough.