Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Bad Habits that affects your health

We all have habits of some kind, whether its environmental, social, how we arrange our wardrobes, how we arrange our study and even habits associated with food.

There are habits that can affect health of some kind if these habits are not kept in check. Some of these habits can contribute to overall health or can encourage us to overeat and not exercise enough.

Not all habits are bad. There are some habits which can have a positive affect on health such as exercising everyday, spending quality time in the garden, reading every night, playing puzzles weekly  before bed (which is beneficial for brain health).

Some of the common bad habits that can affect health include:

  • Watching too much TV: Sometimes after a busy and stressful week there is nothing better then watching a favourite show or movie on TV while having a glass of wine or a chai latte. However spending too much TV can affect health. It decreases physical activity and many love to eat food while watching TV.  
  • Too much Internet: The Internet is a way of connecting with the world and can be educational, however it can also be very addictive. The affects of health is the same as watching too much TV, too much time sitting and not enough time moving. If your work or business is online make sure you get regular breaks so you can move and exercise in between working.   
  • Ill start as of Monday: The famous one line saying that can indeed affect health. By saying ill start as of Monday is gives the opportunity to do the last "binge eating" before Monday. Monday comes and the diet starts but then a few days later the diet breaks and you say "ill start again as of Monday". The cycle goes on and on unless you stop saying ill start as of tomorrow and say "ill start as of now 
  • Over eating: over eating can affect health. Being overweight due to over eating can create disorders such as diabetes and heart disease. 
  • Smoking: Smoking is a bad habit that can cause lung cancer and other disorders such as Emphysema. This is one habit which must be kicked. 
  • Skipping Breakfast: Skipping breakfast is a common habit but it can affect health. When breakfast (and meals in general) is skipped it can slow down metabolism and can encourage weight gain. 
  • Having too much alcohol: Having a glass of red wine with your meal can be beneficial to health. However binge drinking has an adverse effect to health. It is high in calories and can put weight on, it can also affect the liver and can contribute to health conditions. 

By assisting on cutting back on these bad habits and encouraging the good habits, it can help with overall health and well being.

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